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Get Inspired!



The neighborhood is only as as engaged as the neighbors who have ideas to improve and support it. Below are some Ted Talk videos that may spark your imagination for things you may want to see in our neighborhood! Feel free to reach out to us on the contact page or at to get the ball rolling!


Ohio Volunteering stats show:


3,052,430 volunteers contribute 278.0 million hours of service worth an estimated $6.7 billion

33.2% of residents volunteer

99.3% of residents regularly talk or spend time with friends and family

57.4% of residents do favors for neighbors

20.8% of residents do something positive for the neighborhood

32.2% of residents participate in local groups or organizations

59.3% of residents donate $25 or more to charity


Will you get involved?

Check out these Tedx Talks to get

ideas to improve the neighborhood!

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