Meet the Board
Meet the Board
Late in 2018 and extending into early 2019, a concerned group of neighbors met to discuss the future of the Dayton View Triangle Federation, and how the organization could reasonably continue its existence for years to come. Early in the process, we identified that the current board setup was unsustainable. The neighborhood was divided into eight geographic regions and had five officer positions that needed filled to operate effectively and in accordance with our by-laws. After much discussion, we came up with a new structure that allowed the organization to function with fewer involved people, but had the ability to expand based on the interests of our neighbors and their willingness to participate. In June 2019, we elected our first board under the new structure. For more details, check out our updated by-laws.
If you are a neighbor and have a project that you are passionate about, but need some help with finding resources, funding, or coordinating, our board is here to help! Catch us at our monthly neighborhood meeting, or email us at to discuss what we can do to help you accomplish your goal!
Executive Committee
Committee Chairs
Previous Boards
January 2022-January 2023
P - Kegan Sickels
VP - Mindi Wardell
S - Vacant
T - Ellen Rice
CL - Pete Kinney
January 2021-December 2021
P - Kegan Sickels
VP - Pete Kinney
S - Mindi Wardell
T - Ellen Rice
CL - Maleka James
January 2020-December 2020
P - Kegan Sickels
VP - Vacant
S - Maleka James
T - Donna Schultz
CL - Pete Kinney
June 2019-December 2019
P - Kegan Sickels
VP - Shane Legg
S - Maleka James
T - Donna Schultz
CL - Pete Kinney
thru May 2019
Ellen Rice